How It Works

Our user testers provide valuable insights to help companies create better and more inclusive products. The feedback we collect helps drive positive changes in how companies design and develop their websites and products.

When a new client joins Hello Access, we work with people who have disabilities to test different parts of their products or websites.

Recording the Test

User testers record themselves using the product or website while sharing their thoughts out loud. This means they talk about what’s easy, what’s hard, and what works or doesn’t work.

Understanding the Experience

The recordings help clients see what’s working well and where there are problems, so you can make improvements.

Compiling the summary

After the user tests are complete, we put together a summary of all the feedback that you can access via our Hello Access platform, alongside the video.

This helps you see all the accessibility issues in one place so you can make the product or website better!
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How Our User Testers Feel

It is a real pleasure to work with Hello Access. Steven and team always clearly explain what needs to be tested, which allows me to complete all projects without a hich.

Knowing that my testing results help companies turn their website into disability friendly places makes me feel motivated to do user tests whenever the opportunity comes. I’m especially happy because the accessibility solutions I provide impact the lives of millions, so they can shop, travel, and get chances for better education.

By becoming a user tester, you will not only learn about web accessibility. You will actively contribute to the web available for all.
Hello Access panel
Working with Hello Access has been an amazing journey so far, as I have gotten the opportunity to apply my skills in order to teach people about accessibility.

The team is super driven, and just by talking to them, I can tell they really care about these issues. They want to help organisations become more accessible, and as someone who is passionate about this topic, I certainly want to be a part of their journey!

Not to mention it’s always fun to test websites, and see the unique ideas people are coming up with around the world
A man in a suit with the skyline behind him.
Hello Access panel

Previous User Tests

Explore how we've helped companies improve their digital accessibility. With hundreds of user tests across various industries, we're committed to creating more inclusive digital experiences.

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Join others around the world who are creating more digitally accessible websites & products through user testing.
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